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How Your Donation Dollar is Used

Your generous gifts support essential education and outreach for Trisomy 18. The Trisomy 18 Bridge of Hope Foundation is a non-profit 501-c-3 public charity and your donations are tax deductible.
The main uses of your donations are:  1) Action Kits for parents of infants with Trisomy 18; 2) Website fees; and 3) Awareness Programs (currently the Awareness Bumper Stickers). As donations increase we will fund research on Trisomy 18 as well.
The Free Action kits contain books specifically related to care of the Trisomy 18 child and a small gift for their child. Each kit costs about $36. The information in these books goes way beyond the information that parents receive from their pediatrician or in the NICU because the books specialize in Trisomy 18.
Website and administrative fees include: web hosting, domain fees, accounting fees, and the like.
Awareness bumper stickers are a powerful tool to raise awareness about Trisomy 18,  which over time brings about much-needed research and change for these precious children. 


YES! The Trisomy 18 Bridge of Hope Foundation is a non-profit 501-c-3 public charity and your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

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